
Title: Target-driven Attack for Large Language Models

Title: Richer Output for Richer Countries: Uncovering Geographical Disparities in Generated Stories and Travel Recommendations

Title: SetLexSem Challenge: Using Set Operations to Evaluate the Lexical and Semantic Robustness of Language Models

Title: BeeManc at the PLABA Track of TAC-2024: RoBERTa for task 1 and LLaMA3.1 and GPT-4o for task 2

Title: Toward Optimal Search and Retrieval for RAG

Title: Beyond Keywords: A Context-based Hybrid Approach to Mining Ethical Concern-related App Reviews

Title: Controllable Context Sensitivity and the Knob Behind It

Title: Using Generative AI and Multi-Agents to Provide Automatic Feedback

Title: Untangling Hate Speech Definitions: A Semantic Componential Analysis Across Cultures and Domains

Title: Efficient and Accurate Prompt Optimization: the Benefit of Memory in Exemplar-Guided Reflection

Title: DecoPrompt : Decoding Prompts Reduces Hallucinations when Large Language Models Meet False Premises

Title: IdentifyMe: A Challenging Long-Context Mention Resolution Benchmark

Title: Controlled Evaluation of Syntactic Knowledge in Multilingual Language Models

Title: Rapid Response: Mitigating LLM Jailbreaks with a Few Examples

Title: Fair Summarization: Bridging Quality and Diversity in Extractive Summaries

Title: Prompt-enhanced Network for Hateful Meme Classification

Title: Large Language Models as Neurolinguistic Subjects: Identifying Internal Representations for Form and Meaning

Title: Problem-Oriented Segmentation and Retrieval: Case Study on Tutoring Conversations

Title: Multimodal Clinical Reasoning through Knowledge-augmented Rationale Generation

Title: Mitigating Bias in Queer Representation within Large Language Models: A Collaborative Agent Approach

Title: Spider 2.0: Evaluating Language Models on Real-World Enterprise Text-to-SQL Workflows

Title: Likelihood as a Performance Gauge for Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Query Optimization for Parametric Knowledge Refinement in Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Title: Chain Association-based Attacking and Shielding Natural Language Processing Systems

Title: Ethical Concern Identification in NLP: A Corpus of ACL Anthology Ethics Statements

Title: Tucano: Advancing Neural Text Generation for Portuguese

Title: Verbosity $\neq$ Veracity: Demystify Verbosity Compensation Behavior of Large Language Models

Title: Trustful LLMs: Customizing and Grounding Text Generation with Knowledge Bases and Dual Decoders

Title: CryptoLLM: Unleashing the Power of Prompted LLMs for SmartQnA and Classification of Crypto Posts

Title: From General to Specific: Utilizing General Hallucation to Automatically Measure the Role Relationship Fidelity for Specific Role-Play Agents

Title: Derivational Morphology Reveals Analogical Generalization in Large Language Models

Title: ExpressivityArena: Can LLMs Express Information Implicitly?

Title: Language Models as Causal Effect Generators