
Title: Understanding Chain-of-Thought in LLMs through Information Theory

Title: ByteScience: Bridging Unstructured Scientific Literature and Structured Data with Auto Fine-tuned Large Language Model in Token Granularity

Title: Benchmarking pre-trained text embedding models in aligning built asset information

Title: Mitigating Gender Bias in Contextual Word Embeddings

Title: Does Unlearning Truly Unlearn? A Black Box Evaluation of LLM Unlearning Methods

Title: CoMeDi Shared Task: Models as Annotators in Lexical Semantics Disagreements

Title: HNCSE: Advancing Sentence Embeddings via Hybrid Contrastive Learning with Hard Negatives

Title: A Combined Encoder and Transformer Approach for Coherent and High-Quality Text Generation

Title: Evaluating Tokenizer Performance of Large Language Models Across Official Indian Languages

Title: Predicting User Intents and Musical Attributes from Music Discovery Conversations

Title: CUE-M: Contextual Understanding and Enhanced Search with Multimodal Large Language Model

Title: Balancing Accuracy and Efficiency in Multi-Turn Intent Classification for LLM-Powered Dialog Systems in Production

Title: RedPajama: an Open Dataset for Training Large Language Models

Title: Do LLMs Understand Ambiguity in Text? A Case Study in Open-world Question Answering

Title: Evaluating the Prompt Steerability of Large Language Models

Title: \textsc{Neon}: News Entity-Interaction Extraction for Enhanced Question Answering

Title: Guide-to-Explain for Controllable Summarization

Title: Procedural Knowledge in Pretraining Drives Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: Enhanced Sign Language Translation between American Sign Language (ASL) and Indian Sign Language (ISL) Using LLMs

Title: Strengthening Fake News Detection: Leveraging SVM and Sophisticated Text Vectorization Techniques. Defying BERT?

Title: Enhancing Multi-Class Disease Classification: Neoplasms, Cardiovascular, Nervous System, and Digestive Disorders Using Advanced LLMs

Title: Information Theory of Meaningful Communication

Title: ACING: Actor-Critic for Instruction Learning in Black-Box Large Language Models