
Title: AddrLLM: Address Rewriting via Large Language Model on Nationwide Logistics Data

Title: Hymba: A Hybrid-head Architecture for Small Language Models

Title: Assessing Gender Bias in LLMs: Comparing LLM Outputs with Human Perceptions and Official Statistics

Title: Benchmarking GPT-4 against Human Translators: A Comprehensive Evaluation Across Languages, Domains, and Expertise Levels

Title: NewsInterview: a Dataset and a Playground to Evaluate LLMs' Ground Gap via Informational Interviews

Title: Explaining GPT-4's Schema of Depression Using Machine Behavior Analysis

Title: SemiKong: Curating, Training, and Evaluating A Semiconductor Industry-Specific Large Language Model

Title: InstCache: A Predictive Cache for LLM Serving

Title: Interactive and Expressive Code-Augmented Planning with Large Language Models

Title: PIORS: Personalized Intelligent Outpatient Reception based on Large Language Model with Multi-Agents Medical Scenario Simulation

Title: Towards Full Delegation: Designing Ideal Agentic Behaviors for Travel Planning

Title: Forecasting Future International Events: A Reliable Dataset for Text-Based Event Modeling

Title: FunctionChat-Bench: Comprehensive Evaluation of Language Models' Generative Capabilities in Korean Tool-use Dialogs

Title: DRPruning: Efficient Large Language Model Pruning through Distributionally Robust Optimization

Title: Lost in Inference: Rediscovering the Role of Natural Language Inference for Large Language Models

Title: Learning from "Silly" Questions Improves Large Language Models, But Only Slightly

Title: Why do language models perform worse for morphologically complex languages?

Title: OpenScholar: Synthesizing Scientific Literature with Retrieval-augmented LMs

Title: Evaluating the Robustness of Analogical Reasoning in Large Language Models

Title: Intent-Aware Dialogue Generation and Multi-Task Contrastive Learning for Multi-Turn Intent Classification

Title: Do I Know This Entity? Knowledge Awareness and Hallucinations in Language Models

Title: Knowledge Graphs, Large Language Models, and Hallucinations: An NLP Perspective

Title: Efficient Aspect-Based Summarization of Climate Change Reports with Small Language Models

Title: Velocitune: A Velocity-based Dynamic Domain Reweighting Method for Continual Pre-training

Title: UnifiedCrawl: Aggregated Common Crawl for Affordable Adaptation of LLMs on Low-Resource Languages

Title: Lightweight Safety Guardrails Using Fine-tuned BERT Embeddings

Title: Marco-o1: Towards Open Reasoning Models for Open-Ended Solutions