
Title: Can Artificial Intelligence Generate Quality Research Topics Reflecting Patient Concerns?

Title: Unveiling User Preferences: A Knowledge Graph and LLM-Driven Approach for Conversational Recommendation

Title: LLaSA: Large Language and Structured Data Assistant

Title: Towards Next-Generation Medical Agent: How o1 is Reshaping Decision-Making in Medical Scenarios

Title: Testing Uncertainty of Large Language Models for Physics Knowledge and Reasoning

Title: Popular LLMs Amplify Race and Gender Disparities in Human Mobility

Title: Exploring the Potential Role of Generative AI in the TRAPD Procedure for Survey Translation

Title: Large Language Model for Qualitative Research -- A Systematic Mapping Study

Title: StreetviewLLM: Extracting Geographic Information Using a Chain-of-Thought Multimodal Large Language Model

Title: GRL-Prompt: Towards Knowledge Graph based Prompt Optimization via Reinforcement Learning

Title: Ranking Unraveled: Recipes for LLM Rankings in Head-to-Head AI Combat

Title: Robust Planning with Compound LLM Architectures: An LLM-Modulo Approach

Title: Mediating Modes of Thought: LLM's for design scripting

Title: The Impossible Test: A 2024 Unsolvable Dataset and A Chance for an AGI Quiz

Title: Ensuring Safety and Trust: Analyzing the Risks of Large Language Models in Medicine

Title: A Survey on Human-Centric LLMs

Title: Star-Agents: Automatic Data Optimization with LLM Agents for Instruction Tuning

Title: Understanding World or Predicting Future? A Comprehensive Survey of World Models

Title: Exploring Accuracy-Fairness Trade-off in Large Language Models

Title: Comparative Analysis of Pooling Mechanisms in LLMs: A Sentiment Analysis Perspective

Title: Multiverse of Greatness: Generating Story Branches with LLMs

Title: Improving Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities of Small Language Models via Feedback-Driven Distillation

Title: Optimizing Social Media Annotation of HPV Vaccine Skepticism and Misinformation Using Large Language Models: An Experimental Evaluation of In-Context Learning and Fine-Tuning Stance Detection Across Multiple Models

Title: MolReFlect: Towards In-Context Fine-grained Alignments between Molecules and Texts

Title: Universal and Context-Independent Triggers for Precise Control of LLM Outputs

Title: KBAda: Efficient Self Adaptation on Specific Knowledge Bases

Title: De-biased Multimodal Electrocardiogram Analysis

Title: Astro-HEP-BERT: A bidirectional language model for studying the meanings of concepts in astrophysics and high energy physics

Title: Leveraging Hierarchical Prototypes as the Verbalizer for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition

Title: Evaluating LLM Prompts for Data Augmentation in Multi-label Classification of Ecological Texts

Title: LLM for Barcodes: Generating Diverse Synthetic Data for Identity Documents

Title: SwissADT: An Audio Description Translation System for Swiss Languages

Title: ScribeAgent: Towards Specialized Web Agents Using Production-Scale Workflow Data

Title: XGrammar: Flexible and Efficient Structured Generation Engine for Large Language Models

Title: T\"ULU 3: Pushing Frontiers in Open Language Model Post-Training

Title: Measuring Bullshit in the Language Games played by ChatGPT