
Title: Enhancing LLMs for Power System Simulations: A Feedback-driven Multi-agent Framework

Title: Multi-Reranker: Maximizing performance of retrieval-augmented generation in the FinanceRAG challenge

Title: ChemSafetyBench: Benchmarking LLM Safety on Chemistry Domain

Title: Parameter Efficient Instruction Tuning: An Empirical Study

Title: What can LLM tell us about cities?

Title: Enhancing Answer Reliability Through Inter-Model Consensus of Large Language Models

Title: Fine-Tuning LLMs with Noisy Data for Political Argument Generation

Title: Enhancing In-Hospital Mortality Prediction Using Multi-Representational Learning with LLM-Generated Expert Summaries

Title: Integrating Geodesic Interpolation and Flow Matching for Non-Autoregressive Text Generation in Logit Space

Title: Harnessing LLMs for Educational Content-Driven Italian Crossword Generation

Title: Teaching Smaller Language Models To Generalise To Unseen Compositional Questions (Full Thesis)

Title: Dynamic Self-Distillation via Previous Mini-batches for Fine-tuning Small Language Models

Title: Tree Transformers are an Ineffective Model of Syntactic Constituency

Title: Don't Command, Cultivate: An Exploratory Study of System-2 Alignment

Title: Star Attention: Efficient LLM Inference over Long Sequences

Title: Strategic Prompting for Conversational Tasks: A Comparative Analysis of Large Language Models Across Diverse Conversational Tasks

Title: A Topic-level Self-Correctional Approach to Mitigate Hallucinations in MLLMs

Title: ER2Score: LLM-based Explainable and Customizable Metric for Assessing Radiology Reports with Reward-Control Loss

Title: Meaningless is better: hashing bias-inducing words in LLM prompts improves performance in logical reasoning and statistical learning

Title: Different Bias Under Different Criteria: Assessing Bias in LLMs with a Fact-Based Approach

Title: The Extractive-Abstractive Spectrum: Uncovering Verifiability Trade-offs in LLM Generations

Title: Can LLMs be Good Graph Judger for Knowledge Graph Construction?

Title: One Mind, Many Tongues: A Deep Dive into Language-Agnostic Knowledge Neurons in Large Language Models

Title: "Stupid robot, I want to speak to a human!" User Frustration Detection in Task-Oriented Dialog Systems

Title: Isotropy Matters: Soft-ZCA Whitening of Embeddings for Semantic Code Search

Title: Natural Language Understanding and Inference with MLLM in Visual Question Answering: A Survey

Title: Scaling Speech-Text Pre-training with Synthetic Interleaved Data

Title: On Limitations of LLM as Annotator for Low Resource Languages

Title: Push the Limit of Multi-modal Emotion Recognition by Prompting LLMs with Receptive-Field-Aware Attention Weighting

Title: Enhancing Character-Level Understanding in LLMs through Token Internal Structure Learning

Title: Adaptive Deployment of Untrusted LLMs Reduces Distributed Threats