
Title: The use of large language models to enhance cancer clinical trial educational materials

Title: A Multi-way Parallel Named Entity Annotated Corpus for English, Tamil and Sinhala

Title: Let's Think Var-by-Var: Large Language Models Enable Ad Hoc Probabilistic Reasoning

Title: Explainable and Interpretable Multimodal Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey

Title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Comparative Literature Summarization with Reflective Incremental Mechanisms

Title: BANER: Boundary-Aware LLMs for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition

Title: Compressing KV Cache for Long-Context LLM Inference with Inter-Layer Attention Similarity

Title: MediaSpin: Exploring Media Bias Through Fine-Grained Analysis of News Headlines

Title: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Large Language Models on Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Title: Pay Attention to the Robustness of Chinese Minority Language Models! Syllable-level Textual Adversarial Attack on Tibetan Script

Title: Multi-Granularity Tibetan Textual Adversarial Attack Method Based on Masked Language Model

Title: TSCheater: Generating High-Quality Tibetan Adversarial Texts via Visual Similarity

Title: GerPS-Compare: Comparing NER methods for legal norm analysis

Title: Gracefully Filtering Backdoor Samples for Generative Large Language Models without Retraining

Title: Can ChatGPT capture swearing nuances? Evidence from translating Arabic oaths

Title: Patent-CR: A Dataset for Patent Claim Revision

Title: Semantic Tokens in Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: CEGI: Measuring the trade-off between efficiency and carbon emissions for SLMs and VLMs

Title: Interpretable Company Similarity with Sparse Autoencoders

Title: GLM-4-Voice: Towards Intelligent and Human-Like End-to-End Spoken Chatbot

Title: Time-Reversal Provides Unsupervised Feedback to LLMs

Title: QA-TOOLBOX: Conversational Question-Answering for process task guidance in manufacturing

Title: Mind the Gap: Examining the Self-Improvement Capabilities of Large Language Models

Title: T-REG: Preference Optimization with Token-Level Reward Regularization