
Title: OG-RAG: Ontology-Grounded Retrieval-Augmented Generation For Large Language Models

Title: CareBot: A Pioneering Full-Process Open-Source Medical Language Model

Title: Dipper: Diversity in Prompts for Producing Large Language Model Ensembles in Reasoning tasks

Title: Modeling Story Expectations to Understand Engagement: A Generative Framework Using LLMs

Title: ChainStream: An LLM-based Framework for Unified Synthetic Sensing

Title: Script-Based Dialog Policy Planning for LLM-Powered Conversational Agents: A Basic Architecture for an "AI Therapist"

Title: MPPO: Multi Pair-wise Preference Optimization for LLMs with Arbitrary Negative Samples

Title: Accelerating Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Streamlining Systematic Reviews: A Novel Application of Large Language Models

Title: LLMs for Literature Review: Are we there yet?

Title: An Enhanced Text Compression Approach Using Transformer-based Language Models

Title: AgentPS: Agentic Process Supervision for Multi-modal Content Quality Assurance through Multi-round QA

Title: NER- RoBERTa: Fine-Tuning RoBERTa for Named Entity Recognition (NER) within low-resource languages

Title: Using Machine Learning to Distinguish Human-written from Machine-generated Creative Fiction

Title: RIRO: Reshaping Inputs, Refining Outputs Unlocking the Potential of Large Language Models in Data-Scarce Contexts

Title: Data Laundering: Artificially Boosting Benchmark Results through Knowledge Distillation

Title: Structured Extraction of Real World Medical Knowledge using LLMs for Summarization and Search

Title: DisEmbed: Transforming Disease Understanding through Embeddings

Title: Analyzing Images of Legal Documents: Toward Multi-Modal LLMs for Access to Justice

Title: Advanced ingestion process powered by LLM parsing for RAG system

Title: ReXTrust: A Model for Fine-Grained Hallucination Detection in AI-Generated Radiology Reports

Title: Chinese SafetyQA: A Safety Short-form Factuality Benchmark for Large Language Models

Title: On the Structural Memory of LLM Agents

Title: Enhancing LLM-based Hatred and Toxicity Detection with Meta-Toxic Knowledge Graph

Title: The Reliability Paradox: Exploring How Shortcut Learning Undermines Language Model Calibration

Title: Baichuan4-Finance Technical Report

Title: A MapReduce Approach to Effectively Utilize Long Context Information in Retrieval Augmented Language Models

Title: SimGRAG: Leveraging Similar Subgraphs for Knowledge Graphs Driven Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: Memory-Augmented Agent Training for Business Document Understanding

Title: PLPP: Prompt Learning with Perplexity Is Self-Distillation for Vision-Language Models

Title: Context-DPO: Aligning Language Models for Context-Faithfulness

Title: A Systematic Examination of Preference Learning through the Lens of Instruction-Following

Title: Channel Merging: Preserving Specialization for Merged Experts

Title: Maximize Your Data's Potential: Enhancing LLM Accuracy with Two-Phase Pretraining

Title: Inference-Aware Fine-Tuning for Best-of-N Sampling in Large Language Models

Title: A Large-scale Empirical Study on Large Language Models for Election Prediction

Title: Confidence in the Reasoning of Large Language Models

Title: A Comparative Study of DSPy Teleprompter Algorithms for Aligning Large Language Models Evaluation Metrics to Human Evaluation

Title: LAMA-UT: Language Agnostic Multilingual ASR through Orthography Unification and Language-Specific Transliteration

Title: Self-Evolution Knowledge Distillation for LLM-based Machine Translation

Title: ViFactCheck: A New Benchmark Dataset and Methods for Multi-domain News Fact-Checking in Vietnamese

Title: Conceptual In-Context Learning and Chain of Concepts: Solving Complex Conceptual Problems Using Large Language Models

Title: Eliciting Causal Abilities in Large Language Models for Reasoning Tasks

Title: Automatic Extraction of Metaphoric Analogies from Literary Texts: Task Formulation, Dataset Construction, and Evaluation

Title: Systematic Evaluation of Long-Context LLMs on Financial Concepts

Title: SKETCH: Structured Knowledge Enhanced Text Comprehension for Holistic Retrieval

Title: Fietje: An open, efficient LLM for Dutch

Title: Northeastern Uni at Multilingual Counterspeech Generation: Enhancing Counter Speech Generation with LLM Alignment through Direct Preference Optimization

Title: Continual Learning Using Only Large Language Model Prompting

Title: Multi-LLM Text Summarization

Title: TL-Training: A Task-Feature-Based Framework for Training Large Language Models in Tool Use

Title: Lexicography Saves Lives (LSL): Automatically Translating Suicide-Related Language

Title: Humanlike Cognitive Patterns as Emergent Phenomena in Large Language Models

Title: Mitigating Social Bias in Large Language Models: A Multi-Objective Approach within a Multi-Agent Framework

Title: ADEQA: A Question Answer based approach for joint ADE-Suspect Extraction using Sequence-To-Sequence Transformers

Title: HREF: Human Response-Guided Evaluation of Instruction Following in Language Models

Title: XRAG: eXamining the Core -- Benchmarking Foundational Components in Advanced Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Title: MRAG: A Modular Retrieval Framework for Time-Sensitive Question Answering

Title: NGQA: A Nutritional Graph Question Answering Benchmark for Personalized Health-aware Nutritional Reasoning

Title: In-context Continual Learning Assisted by an External Continual Learner

Title: NeSyCoCo: A Neuro-Symbolic Concept Composer for Compositional Generalization

Title: Template-Driven LLM-Paraphrased Framework for Tabular Math Word Problem Generation

Title: Dynamic Label Name Refinement for Few-Shot Dialogue Intent Classification

Title: Don't Do RAG: When Cache-Augmented Generation is All You Need for Knowledge Tasks

Title: Can Input Attributions Interpret the Inductive Reasoning Process Elicited in In-Context Learning?

Title: MathSpeech: Leveraging Small LMs for Accurate Conversion in Mathematical Speech-to-Formula

Title: Variability Need Not Imply Error: The Case of Adequate but Semantically Distinct Responses

Title: Contrastive Learning for Task-Independent SpeechLLM-Pretraining

Title: Critique of Impure Reason: Unveiling the reasoning behaviour of medical Large Language Models

Title: Linguistic Features Extracted by GPT-4 Improve Alzheimer's Disease Detection based on Spontaneous Speech

Title: Learning from Impairment: Leveraging Insights from Clinical Linguistics in Language Modelling Research

Title: Ensembling Large Language Models with Process Reward-Guided Tree Search for Better Complex Reasoning

Title: $\pi$-yalli: un nouveau corpus pour le nahuatl

Title: TelcoLM: collecting data, adapting, and benchmarking language models for the telecommunication domain

Title: On the Suitability of pre-trained foundational LLMs for Analysis in German Legal Education

Title: Development of a Large-scale Dataset of Chest Computed Tomography Reports in Japanese and a High-performance Finding Classification Model

Title: From General to Specific: Tailoring Large Language Models for Personalized Healthcare

Title: BabyHGRN: Exploring RNNs for Sample-Efficient Training of Language Models

Title: Fearful Falcons and Angry Llamas: Emotion Category Annotations of Arguments by Humans and LLMs

Title: The Only Way is Ethics: A Guide to Ethical Research with Large Language Models

Title: Logical Consistency of Large Language Models in Fact-checking

Title: PromptOptMe: Error-Aware Prompt Compression for LLM-based MT Evaluation Metrics