
Title: Evaluation Agent: Efficient and Promptable Evaluation Framework for Visual Generative Models

Title: From Noise to Nuance: Advances in Deep Generative Image Models

Title: Vision-Language Models Represent Darker-Skinned Black Individuals as More Homogeneous than Lighter-Skinned Black Individuals

Title: Omni-ID: Holistic Identity Representation Designed for Generative Tasks

Title: Diffusion-Enhanced Test-time Adaptation with Text and Image Augmentation

Title: Human vs. AI: A Novel Benchmark and a Comparative Study on the Detection of Generated Images and the Impact of Prompts

Title: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Gaussian Score Approximation for Diffusion Models and its Applications

Title: CP-DETR: Concept Prompt Guide DETR Toward Stronger Universal Object Detection

Title: Infinite-dimensional next-generation reservoir computing

Title: MSC: Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Causal Attention for Autoregressive Video Diffusion

Title: Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Imagery via the Coupling of a Variational Model and Deep Learning

Title: Leveraging Programmatically Generated Synthetic Data for Differentially Private Diffusion Training

Title: LinGen: Towards High-Resolution Minute-Length Text-to-Video Generation with Linear Computational Complexity

Title: Financial Sentiment Analysis: Leveraging Actual and Synthetic Data for Supervised Fine-tuning

Title: T-GMSI: A transformer-based generative model for spatial interpolation under sparse measurements

Title: VQTalker: Towards Multilingual Talking Avatars through Facial Motion Tokenization

Title: MulSMo: Multimodal Stylized Motion Generation by Bidirectional Control Flow

Title: Precision-Enhanced Human-Object Contact Detection via Depth-Aware Perspective Interaction and Object Texture Restoration

Title: FaceShield: Defending Facial Image against Deepfake Threats

Title: CaLoRAify: Calorie Estimation with Visual-Text Pairing and LoRA-Driven Visual Language Models

Title: Efficient Dataset Distillation via Diffusion-Driven Patch Selection for Improved Generalization

Title: What constitutes a Deep Fake? The blurry line between legitimate processing and manipulation under the EU AI Act

Title: GT23D-Bench: A Comprehensive General Text-to-3D Generation Benchmark

Title: NowYouSee Me: Context-Aware Automatic Audio Description

Title: Object-Focused Data Selection for Dense Prediction Tasks

Title: SuperMark: Robust and Training-free Image Watermarking via Diffusion-based Super-Resolution

Title: Quaffure: Real-Time Quasi-Static Neural Hair Simulation

Title: Guidance Not Obstruction: A Conjugate Consistent Enhanced Strategy for Domain Generalization

Title: Feature Selection for Latent Factor Models

Title: VLR-Bench: Multilingual Benchmark Dataset for Vision-Language Retrieval Augmented Generation

Title: Simple Guidance Mechanisms for Discrete Diffusion Models

Title: Efficient Generative Modeling with Residual Vector Quantization-Based Tokens

Title: Adversarial Robustness of Bottleneck Injected Deep Neural Networks for Task-Oriented Communication

Title: Probabilistic Inverse Cameras: Image to 3D via Multiview Geometry

Title: TIV-Diffusion: Towards Object-Centric Movement for Text-driven Image to Video Generation

Title: Coherent 3D Scene Diffusion From a Single RGB Image

Title: Generative AI in Medicine

Title: XYScanNet: An Interpretable State Space Model for Perceptual Image Deblurring

Title: OP-LoRA: The Blessing of Dimensionality